Mahshahr Oil Terminal
Storing the products of Abadan Refinery and exports and
imports of different products are carried out at Mahshahr Oil Terminal.
Presently, most activities of terminals in Mahshahr focuses on marine
operations (berthing and separating vessels for products), providing safety
services, search and rescue in Abadan Oil Refinery. Based on the predictions
and next programs, in line with developing the company’s activities in
different sectors of exporting oil, gas and petrochemical products, Mahshahr
Terminal will become of the most active terminals of the company.
The most important duties:
Participation in berthing and oil vessels separation
operations in jetty, vessels escort and guidance on the arrival time to
Mahshahr Oil Terminal and exit to Imam Khomeini Port
Operational standby in loading and discharging oil vessels.
Confronting oil contaminations and possible fires
Auxiliary activities
Dispatching tug boats to Bandar Imam
Performing emergency maneuvers
Assisting in jetties reconstruction
Transporting facilities
Control and preventing crashing dead boats in terminal